Thursday, January 10, 2013

Steve Jobs

It was a very short night due to a final long day of loading the 40' container. Geoff, Eunice, granddaughter Addison and I got in the car with 12 pieces of luggage and went to a hotel near the Orlando airport. It was midnight before body met mattress, and 3:30 when very reluctantly I peeled myself off again.

Geoff et all are headed to Palau via San Francisco, Honolulu and Guam. 

I'm on a US Air flight headed for Ontario California, and on to Hong Kong tomorrow with Jeri. 

I thought of Steve Jobs today on the flight. Had he been a cook, our airplane breakfast could've been so different. But instead, after eating, a row of us got out our iToys and all pretended it was duty that forced us to "work" for the rest of the trip.


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